About us

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences was established in 2014. This faculty started its educational activities by recruiting students before becoming independent as a teaching group in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1996. In the same year, by accepting 20 male students in the field of physical education, he took his first step towards the scientific development and education of this field. This progress now shows itself separately and in a wide space with acceptable facilities and in the form of an independent university after less than a decade of its establishment. Currently, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Mazandaran University is operating with 22 faculty members. As it can be seen from its past, this faculty has a distinguished record in terms of educational activity in the country, but it is enough for the future that in the coming years it will witness a tremendous transformation in all its educational, research and cultural fields. As it is known so far, no group or faculty has managed to go through such stages of scientific growth and prosperity during its establishment.
Dr. Zia Fallah Mohammadi
Dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences
Doctorate in Sports Physiology​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Academic rank: Associate Professor of Sports Physiology Department
​​​​​​​ Phone: 01135302201

​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​
Dr. Masoume Ghorbani
Research, technology and culture deputy
Ph.D. in motor behavior- motor development
​​​​​​​Academic rank: Assistant Professor
​​​​​​​Phone: 01135302215
​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​
Dr. Farzam Farzan
Vice President of Education, Postgraduate and Student Education
PhD in sports management
​​​​​ Academic rank: Assistant professor
Phone: 011-35302202
​​​​​​​Research resume​​​​​​​

Introduction of Educational Groups

Sports biomechanics is a research field that studies the effects of movement and sports activities on the human body. This field includes the concepts of physiology, physics, engineering and sports science and is used to improve the performance of athletes and prevent sports injuries. Research in this field includes examining forces, movements, energy and balance in different sports and aims to improve sports techniques and improve people's sports performance.

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Counter section field title head of department Head
1 Bachelor's degree
Masters degree
Masters degree
Sports science
Sports biomechanics
​​​​​​​Movement behavior
​​​​​​​Sports biomechanics and movement behavior
Dr. Fateme Salari +981135302220
Sports physiology or the science of sports physiology is a branch of sports science that investigates and investigates the effect of sports and physical activities on the body's performance and human physiological systems. This field includes the study of factors such as breathing, cardiovascular, muscles, skeletal system, nervous system, hormones and digestive system. In the field of sports physiology, researchers and students investigate the effect of exercise on body performance, improvement of physical ability, prevention and treatment of diseases, improvement of performance of athletes and ordinary people, improvement of brain function and intelligence, effects of nutrition and sports supplements, environmental effects on body performance. and other related matters. Sports physiology as a research and educational field is of great importance and plays an important role in the development and progress of sports science and improving the performance of athletes and active people.

Counter section field title head of department Contact
1 Bachelor's degree
Masters degree
Masters degree
Masters degree
Masters degree
Sports science
Sports physiology - pure sports activity
​​​​​​​Sports physiology, sports nutrition orientation
​​​​​​​Applied sports physiology
​​​​​​​Sports physiology, health orientation
​​​​​​​Sports physiology

Dr. Khadijah Nasiri

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The sports management department is one of the most important and popular fields in sports sciences, which deals with the study and research in the field of management and organization of sports activities and teams, clubs, federations and sports organizations. This field includes the study of managerial, economic, marketing, human resources, sports law and laws, sports business and other issues related to sports management. In the field of sports management, students and researchers investigate and analyze issues related to the management of teams and clubs, planning and implementation of sports events, evaluating and improving the performance of sports managers, managing financial and human resources in sports organizations, using technology in sports management, etc. other related The field of sports management is of great importance because managers and sports management experts play an important role in the development and progress of sports, and with their managerial abilities, they can improve sports performance, increase income and profitability, and improve relations with fans and members.

Counter section field title head of department Contact
1 Bachelor's degree
Masters degree
Masters degree
Masters degree
Sports management
Sports management, management of sports organizations and clubs
​​​​​​​Sports management, marketing and sports communication
​​​​​​​Sports management, event management and sports tourism
​​​​​​​Sports Scientes

Dr. Saeed Tabesh


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Click here to see the academic staff members of the statistics department


Physical Education Lab

​​​​​​​Postal Address: Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran
Postal Code: 13534-47416
P.O.Box: 416
Phone: +98-1135302201
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